The Wayback Machine -
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Hi, my name's Lycha. I'm a fetish porn person and sometimes hardcore porn person. Also occasionally a stripper and /#transdom type person. I'm into , , , NSA hookups, and more. My store is at and I can be found on other, more restrictive social media at

Lycha boosted
Lycha boosted

Today is . I just want all my fellow trans* sex workers to know you are valued, your choices are valid, and your expression of gender is beautiful.

Lycha boosted

Itโ€™s super hard to find people here so boost and/or comment if youโ€™re a sex worker so we can find people easier? I follow back all sex workers :)

Lycha boosted

โ€ชโ€œI donโ€™t have money. How else can I serve you?โ€ โ€ฌ
โ€ชLeaving me alone would be great. โ€ฌ

Lycha boosted

Trying to follow as many sw's as I can, please boost this to help others find this post to follow me, ill follow back !โค๏ธ

regular clients or clients who sent introductory email, DM for a follow back

Love you all xoxo

Lycha boosted

Well 92 followers now, am I gonna get those last few or do you guys not want to see a full nude?

Lycha boosted

If you feel the guidelines and community rules are stifling you and are censoring you, then no-one is forcing you to be here - although you ARE trying to force your content on others without their consent.

No-one is preventing you publishing it.
Several of us are asking you to be considerate and tag it appropriately so that other instances and other users can choose to see it or not.

Consent is vital in SW. I see no reason why it should be any different online.

4/ End of rant.

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Lycha boosted

Some people seem to be determined to get this instance isolated by simply ignoring some common sense suggestions about controlling the publishing of content.

TBH if thats what you want, go somewhere else, Mastodon is not for you.

This platform gives you the chance to operate a shop window while controlling the access others have to your content to protect minors and others and being considerate of other communities.


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Lycha boosted

Just wanted to remind everyone that the default interface makes filtering out certain toots easy if you don't want to see everything. There's a regular expression filter option. Without getting too into it, just type the word in toots you don't want to see or if there's multiple do: wordone|wordtwo If you know regexes you can do even more.

Lycha boosted

I really think switter staff should include people and sex workers of color bc a lot of racism will be perpetuated if only white people are in charge of moderation and the allowance of accounts. Be vigilant in reporting racism and other forms of bigotry on here, please. This platform should be safe for non white sex workers too.

Lose yourself in this layer of flog...

Lycha boosted

Switter should be treated just like any other network. Messages are not encrypted so please make sure you are not sharing personal details you don't want exposed.

Lycha boosted

RT has pulled down their US Dommes:

Hey look it's and shots. This is actually from a few days back

Hey @switter have you thought about making your name an acronym so that it is less similar to Twitter? maybe something like Sex Worker's Integrated Tooting, Talent Expression, & Rapport?
because this is a platform where sex workers can toot without censorship, show off their talents, and build connections. Just a start, but what do you think?

Lycha boosted

Follow people because you like their content, not their follower count.

Follow people because their morals & ethics line up with yours.

Follow people who ENJOY kink, not those that are here for quick $.

Follower count doesn't mean shit.
Being "elite" doesn't mean shit.

Lycha boosted

My name is Quin and I have been a and pornographer for 6 years. I'm still learning how to use this site, but looking forward to connecting with others here. :o)

Lycha boosted

@tiredfrog Send a message to someone, and at the bottom of the toot, click the "Globe" icon. You can change it to Direct... that's your private message!

Hi, my name's Lycha. I'm a fetish porn person and sometimes hardcore porn person. Also occasionally a stripper and /#transdom type person. I'm into , , , NSA hookups, and more. My store is at and I can be found on other, more restrictive social media at

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Switter, a sex work-friendly social space. Check out, our verified escort directory. Looking for listings? Visit Switter Listings Looking for Backpage alternatives?

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